Be who you are at КФ!

Banja Luka College of Communications offers scholarships, easements and reductions to make the studies possible for everyone interested in its programs.
Tuition free studies in the first year for honor high school graduates
Tuition free studies for honor students
One parent children
Children without parents
Children of fallen soldiers and the disabled war veterans
Student and alumni family members
Employees and employee family members
Books are for the scholar’s idle times. When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men’s transcripts of their readings.
One cannot not communicate.
Once you have learned how to ask questions – relevant and appropriate and substantial questions – you have learned how to learn and no one can keep you from learning whatever you want or need to know.
There is nothing so practical as a good theory.
Speech is one symptom of Affection
And Silence is one –
The perfectest communication
Is heard of none
Комуниколошки колеџ у Бањалуци, најстарија приватна високошколска установа у БиХ, престаје с радом након двадесет година образовног дјеловања05/05/2021 - 16:41
Новогодишњи празници / Novogodišnji praznici30/12/2020 - 13:40
Рад Колеџа / Rad Koledža21/10/2020 - 14:40
Љетни распуст / Ljetni raspust08/07/2020 - 12:18
Конкурс за упис студената у школску 2020/2021. годину / Konkurs za upis studenata u školsku 2020/2021. godinu03/06/2020 - 12:14
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