The Conference will be held at the Banja Luka College of Communications Kappa Phi, in Banja Luka, at 2 Vojvođanska Street and/or at some other nearby sites. Location details will be specified in the program.
Banja Luka is a mid-sized city in Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a population of about 150,000 inhabitants. Banja Luka is an administrative, business and educational center of Republika Srpska, with a number of schools, universities and cultural sites. Despite the fact that is boasts over 500 cafes and numerous night clubs, it is a relatively peaceful and safe city. Banja Luka is located on the Vrbas river, in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is quite close to Croatia and Hungary in the north and the Adriatic coast in the south. Zagreb is two hours and Split four hours away by car.
Accommodation is not provided or organized by the organizer.
At this page you can find information about Banja Luka hotels.
Conference participants can get special rates at the following hotels:
Useful links
Banja Luka Tourist Organization
Trip Advisor’s page on Banja Luka
Important numbers
Banja Luka Bus Station
Banja Luka Railway Station
Banja Luka International Airport
Taxi services
Bel taxi: 1550,1544
Euro taxi: 1555
Ideal taxi: 1545
Maxi taxi: 1551
Mobil taxi: 1566
Patrol Taxi: 1533
Комуниколошки колеџ у Бањалуци, најстарија приватна високошколска установа у БиХ, престаје с радом након двадесет година образовног дјеловања05/05/2021 - 16:41
Новогодишњи празници / Novogodišnji praznici30/12/2020 - 13:40
Рад Колеџа / Rad Koledža21/10/2020 - 14:40
Љетни распуст / Ljetni raspust08/07/2020 - 12:18
Конкурс за упис студената у школску 2020/2021. годину / Konkurs za upis studenata u školsku 2020/2021. godinu03/06/2020 - 12:14
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